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Friday 23 April 2021

GO.Ms.No. 113




Memo.No. 113/SER-A/86-1.,                                                                         Dated 7th March 1986.


Sub: - Public Services - Subordinate Services - Ministerial posts as such as Clerks, Typists, and Steno-typists - Appointment of Dependent children of deceased Government employees - Instructions - Reiterated - Regarding.


Ref: -  1. G.O.Ms.No. 687, General Administration (SER-A) Department, dated 3rd October 1977.

2. G.O.Ms.No. 84, General Administration (SER-A) Department, dated 17thFebruary 1982.

3. G.O.Ms.No. 110, General Administration (SER-A) Department, dated 22ndFebruary 1984.


In the G.O. first cited orders have been issued that the spouse or dependent child of a deceased Government employee be appointed without the medium of Employment Exchange subject to fulfilling certain conditions specified therein. In the G.Os. second and third cited orders have been issued to the effect that if no vacancies are readily available, they may be appointed against supernumerary posts to be created for the purpose immediately on their application for appointment so as to give immediate relief to the bereaved family.


2. Instances have come to the notice of Government those certain applications put in by the dependents of deceased Government Servants for employment under the. G.O. cited are kept pending for want of vacancies. It has also been brought to notice of Government that qualified dependents of the employees of the Survey and Land Records Department could not be appointed to posts in the categories of Deputy Surveyors and Computer Draughtsman Grade-II even though the scale of pay of those posts is equivalent to that of Junior Assistant.


3. The main objective in introducing the scheme is to see that the family of the deceased Government Servant is not thrown out on the streets immediately after his/her death: Keeping in view the above object instructions have been issued in the G.Os second and third cited to appoint the dependents of the deceased Government servant by creating supernumerary posts, if no vacancies are readily available. The action of the Departments in keeping the application of the dependents of deceased Government Employees pending for want of vacancies is not in accordance with the spirit of the orders issued in the G.Os cited.


4. In the instructions issued in G.O. first cited it has been clearly indicated that the appointments under this scheme should be made to the categories of posts whose pay is equal to or less than that of Lower Division Clerk (i.e.,) (Junior Assistant at present). There may be no objection to make appointments to the posts of Deputy Surveyors and Computer Draughtsman Grade-II under this scheme if the scales of pay of those categories are equal or less than that of the post of Junior Assistant and if the candidates are fully qualified for appointment to those posts.


5. The Heads of Departments and the Departments of Secretariat are therefore, requested to follow the instructions issued in the reference cited scrupulously keeping in view the position clarified in paras 3 and 4 above and to ensure that all the appointing authorities follow the instructions strictly without giving room for complaints in this regard.



Secretary to Government.


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