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Wednesday 21 April 2021

G.O.Ms.No. 188


Compassionate Appointments - Supernumerary Posts




PUBLIC SERVICES - Supernumerary posts - Creation of – Instructions Issued.




G.O.Ms.No. 188.                                                             Dated 23rd July, 1965.


Read the following: -

1. Government · of India, Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure), Office Memorandum No. F.1 (25)-E.II (A)/64, dated 8th October, 1964.


2. From the Accountant-General, Andhra Pradesh, Letter NO. TM/Code/12-12/64-65/291, dated 26th November 1964.




The accountant-General, Andhra Pradesh has invited the attention of Government to the Instructions issued by the Government of India in the Office Memorandum first read above, laying down certain conditions subject to which supernumerary posts can be created. As there do not appear to be any orders on the State side as to on what basis supernumerary posts are to be created, the Accountant-General h􀂋-requested that Government may consider the desirability of issuing similar clarifications as laid down by the Government of India for creating supernumerary posts.


The Government have examined the suggestion of the Accountant- General, Andhra Pradesh contained in para l above, and hereby order that the principles set out below shall be observed while creating supernumerary posts: -


(i)               A supernumerary post is normally created to accommodate the lien of an officer, who, in the opinion of the authority competent to create such a post, is entitled to hold a lien against a regular permanent post but who, due to non-availability of a regular permanent post, cannot have his lien against such a post.


(ii)             It is a shadow post i.e.; no duties are attached to such a post. The officer, whose lien is maintained against such a post, generally performs duties in some other vacant temporary or permanent post.

(iii)          It can be created only if another vacant permanent or temporary post is available to provide work for the person whose lien is retained by the creation of the supernumerary post. In other words, it should not be created in circumstances which, at the time of the creation of the post or thereafter, would lead to an excess of the working strength.


(iv)           It is always a permanent post. Since, however, it is a post created for accommodating a permanent officer till he is absorbed in a regular permanent post, it should not be created for an indefinite period as other permanent posts are but should normally be created for a definite and fixed period sufficient for the purpose in view.


(v)             It is personal to the officer for whom it is created, and no other officer can be appointed against such a post. It stands abolished as soon as the officer for whom it was created vacates it on account of retirement or confirmation in other regular permanent post or any other reason. In other words, no officiating arrangements can be made against such a post. Since a supernumerary post is not a working post, the number of working posts in a cadre will continue to be regulated in a manner that, if a permanent incumbent of one of the regular posts returns to the cadre and all the posts are manned, one of the officers of the cadre will have to make room for him. He should not be shown against a supernumerary post.


(vi)           No extra financial commitment is involved in the creation of such posts in the shape of increased pay and allowances, pensionary benefits, etc.


(vii)        Administrative authorities should maintain a record of the supernumerary posts, the particulars of the individuals who hold liens against them and the progressive abolition of such posts as and when the. holders of the posts retire or are absorbed in regular permanent posts, for the purpose of verification of service for pension.


(By Order and in the Name of the Governor of Andhra Pradesh)



Secretary to Government.

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